Ourimbah Public School

Excellence, Opportunity, Success - Endeavour to Excel

Telephone02 4362 1033


Kinder Transition

Kindergarten Transition - Parent Information 

We have a set of planned activities to assist your child to make a smooth transition to Kindergarten. Research shows that children who settle quickly into school are more likely to be socially competent and achieve better results. You can help your child prepare for Kindergarten and be organised for the first day.
Advice and strategies to help prepare your child for school can be found on the website Going to Primary School.

Best Start Assessment

The Best Start Assessment is a tool to help teachers assess your child's skills as they enter school and to tailor teaching to their individual needs. Teachers will sit with your child when he/she starts school to assess your child's literacy and numeracy skills so that they can develop an appropriate teaching program that caters for your child.

To find out more download and read:

Watch what happens during a typical day in NSW Kindergarten classrooms

Smith Family Saver Plus Program

Where we assist families with $500 for education costs. (Eligibility criteria applies)

Please click here to watch the animated video about Saver Plus. You’ll discover Sharon’s savings journey, one of our past participants. (True story)

"Thanks to Saver Plus, my children really haven't missed out!"

The true story of dedication and resilience of a single mum that is going to hopefully inspire many people to get involved with our match savings program.